店鋪主推品 熱銷潛力款
韓國rs automation控制器NX_AO8C NX_AO8V市場認同
X8 Series
X8 Series, the high performance next generation small network function
Small but Strong! Feel Powerful Communication!
- Built-in 10/100Mbps EtherNet Port
- Built-in USB Port
Built-in RS232C / 485 2 channels of high-speed serial port
Supports variable communication protocols
- Ethernet Protocol : Xnet over IP Client/Server, Modbus/TCP Client/Server,
EtherNet/IP(PCCC, CIP Generic) Client/Server, HSMS/SECS-II Client/Server,
Bootp/DHCP Client, SNMP Server, HTTP(Web) Server
- Serial Protocol : Xnet Master/Slave, Modbus/RTU Master/Slave, DF1-Full Duplex,
NX-Plus Master, NX-Alpha Master, MELSEC 1C Master, MP5 Master, ASCII/Binary
(User Defined Protocol)
4G Byte SD Card memory for Recipe and Data Logging
Best Solution for Network Based Applications
- Semi/FPD, Communication, SCADA, etc
NX7 Series
Micro size with diverse features
NX7 Series is packed with various special features in its micro size and its all-in-one design allows economic component configuration.
This model is discontinued, so please contact Customer Center (1588-5298) for
further information.
NX7R Series
NX7R, powerful performance and economical with new hardware
- Perfect controller solution with affordable price for small-scale applications
- High speed communication and wide programming scale
- Built-in high-performance control capability
- Microcontroller with compact size
NX70 Sseries
High reliability with expanded component configuration
The NX70 Series was designed to withstand noise with increased power capacity and enhanced durability to improve reliability. The products are developed with communication and high perrformance special modules for application in various system configurations.
NX 700 Series
Packed with cutting-edge technology
NX700 Series with its compact and easy to use design for next generation controller
devices allows efficient configuration and boasts exceptional performance.