店鋪主推品 熱銷潛力款

拋光材料:粘砂布輪、千頁砂輪、尼龍輪、麻輪、布輪、風輪、鋼絲輪、銅絲輪。 Polishing material:Sand bonded cloth wheel 、Thousand leaf grinding wheel 、Nylon wheel、Sisal wheel、 Cloth wheel 、Wind wheel、Steel wire wheel、brass brush wheels
特點:大型產品自動拋光,手工沒法做到的質量和產量,增加單面工作臺,可以實現磨邊功能和重型產品拋光 Characteristics:Automatic polishing of large-scale products, quality and output that cannot be achieved manually, Adding one-sided workbench,It can realize the function of edge grinding and heavy product polishing
廣州市國豐拋光機有限公司(原廣州市番禺區(qū)國盈機械廠)長期從事于金屬表面拋光處理工藝、集拋光機器研發(fā)、生產、銷售為一體的企業(yè),擁有多年的經驗累積,是個人獨資企業(yè)。 針對相應行業(yè)的專屬拋光機有:合頁(門鉸)拋光機、餐具拋光機、圓管拋光機、圓盤拋光機、方管拋光機、箱包配件拋光機、皮帶扣拋光機、窗鎖面板拋光機、保溫杯蓋拋光機、平面拋光機、拉絲機等;歡迎各界朋友到廣州市國豐拋光機有限公司廠部參觀、洽談。 我們注重信譽、保證質量,依客戶所需的拋光成品提供相應的拋光配套方案與技術支持,歡迎垂詢與購買。
用途:金屬平面、非金屬工件平面拋光;其功能鎮(zhèn)對金屬類產品表面的毛刺、氧化皮、腐蝕、損傷等表面進行拋光處 理,應用在不銹鋼板、銅板、鋁板、鐵板、合金等材料 Use:Surface polishing of metal surface and non-metal workpiece; Its function town polishes the surface of metal products such as burrs, oxide scales, corrosion, damage and so on. It is used in stainless steel plate, copper plate, aluminum plate, iron plate, alloy and other materials.
相關應用的行業(yè)有:西餐刀、叉、勺、筷子、油灰刀、剪刀、方管、平板、眼鏡、風扇葉片、溜冰鞋刀片、鍋柄等產品的表面處理. The related industries are: the western food knife, fork, spoon, chopsticks, putty knife, scissors, square tube, flat, glasses, fan blades, skating shoe blades, pan handle and other products surface treatment.