主營產品: 其他電阻器
店鋪主推品 熱銷潛力款

Small size voltage divider TC1746 is one kind of high precision resistor networks or say preciision resistor arrays that is specially designed for high grade digital multi-digital meters with auto range and with high accuracy maby Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd.
盛雷城精密電阻有限公司生產的高精密電阻器符合 SJT 10573-1994 電子元器件詳細規(guī)范 精密固定電阻器RJ75型精密金屬膜電阻器 評定水平 EA, 該標準相當于盛雷城精密電阻有限公司的企業(yè)標準 Q/SLC 005-4 1995, 是額定功率為1W的大功率金屬膜精密電阻器的標準。
精密晶圓電阻,MELF電阻器,RGM 系列高壓電阻器,RRX 系列熔斷電阻器
The quantity of the tin paste on the soldering pads are the key point of welding quality of the melf resistors, the more the tin paste on the pads, the better welding of the melf resistors will be.
The special procedure and technology applied make the resistors tin whisker free!
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. manufactures and offers a number of special precision wirewound resistors. These special wirewound resistors have quite lower noise and better stablitity than than thin or thick film resistors.